Thoughtful Systems Privacy Policy

Is My Information Secure? is committed to doing its best to maintain the security of information collected on our site. To prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy and ensure the correct use of information, we have put in place the appropriate safeguards to secure the information we collect online. Encryption is a process by which a message or information is scrambled while it is in transit to It is based on a key that has two different parts, public and private. The public part of the key is distributed to those with whom you want to communicate. The private part is for the recipients use only. So long as you use a browser that allows for encryption, when you send personal information to us, you use a public key to encrypt your personal information. If your information is intercepted during the transmission, it is scrambled and very difficult to decrypt. Once we receive your encrypted personal information, we use the private part of our key to decode it.

How Do We Use The Information We Collect?

We use the information we collect to help us improve our products and services. We also use the information to tailor this website to better match your interests and preferences. We use credit card and other customer information to process orders. We send e-mail to our customers when we receive orders and ship orders. If we have trouble processing an order, your contact information is used to get in touch with you. We use information received from drawings, contests and sweepstakes to administer these promotions. We use the information to contact you about specials and new products. Demographic and profile data from online forms, cookies, or IP addresses and other log file information may be used to tailor your experience at our site, showing you content that we think you might be interested in, and displaying the content according to your preferences.We will not sell or rent your personally identifiable information obtained through the Web site to anyone. We may send personally identifiable information about you to other companies or people when (a) we have your consent to share the information; (b) we need to share you information to provide the product or service you have requested; (c) we must reserve the right to disclose information if required by law to do so;


When you submit sensitive information via the Web site, we protect your information both online and offline. When we request sensitive information (such as credit card, name, address, etc) on our product order registration form, that information is encrypted and is protected with the best encryption software in the industry – SSL. While we use SSL encryption to protect sensitive information online, we also do everything in our power to protect your information off-line.


By using this Web site, you signify your assent to this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to this policy, please do not use the site. We reserve the right, at our discretion, to change, modify, add or remove portions of this policy at any time. Please check this page periodically for changes. Your continued use of this Web site following the posting of changes to these terms will signify that you accept the changes.

Return Policy – Physical Disc Delivery
By signing the purchase order agreement that you will be required to fax back to us at the time of your purchase, you certify that you understand that I may return all items ordered in good, working, condition, in their original packaging, with all documentation, to be recieved in Thoughtful Systems’ office within 30 days of order date if I am dissatisfied with the products ordered, in which case I shall recieve a full refund of all money paid less the shipping costs, any payment plan fees, and a 5% restocking fee. Fees associated with software modifications and customizations and data transfer are non-refundable. In case any item or items are returned I shall send such items to Thoughtful Systems, Inc. by either UPS, FedEx, or DHL, (not USPS), insured for their full value, with signature required at delivery. I understand that all returned items must have an RMA number (which I will obtain from a sales representative at Thoughtful Systems, Inc), and I shall be responsible for all return shipping charges. I understand that the RMA number must appear on the outside of the package. When merchandise is returned, it will be examined by a recognized technician at Thoughtful Systems, Inc. to ensure that all items have been returned in good working order. I agree to be responsib;e for any repairs or replacement necessary, not covered by manufacturer’s warranty. This agreement supersedes any prevgious agreement or agreements between parties, written or verbal, unless explicity stated otherwise. Software functionality is as described by user. If user is not satisfied with functionality, user’s sole recourse shall be to return software within the return period as stated above.

In the case of a return of a product delivered electronicaly, software downloaded from our site constitues delivery and shall be treated as equivalent to a physical delivery. In the case of returns of electronically delivered software, return requests must be completed by submitted a return request form.
This agreement is governed by the laws of New York State. I agree that any dispute shall be subject arbitration by an arbitrator appointed by the American Arbitration Association, and that the venue for the hearing and resolution of any and all disputes, should they occur, be held in Brooklyn, New York, New York.

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© Thoughtful Systems, Inc. 2001-2019