Scheduling Manager

Software for Home Healthcare

Scheduling Manager Web

Scheduling Manager Web Features

Scheduling Manager Web is available as an add-on, to use in conjunction with Scheduling Manager stand-alone, or to replace the stand-alone completely.

To find out which method is best for you please contact our sales department.

Scheduling Manager Web offers many of the great features as the stand-alone plus many more, includin



View Schedules Online

Your customers can log in through your own web site to view their job schedules.
Customers can even view details of jobs to see if, for example, the special request they made has been recorded.
Scheduling Manager Web offers all the same great features as the stand-alone plus many more, including:


Customers View Invoices Online

Your customers are also able to log on and see account history, as well as view and print invoices.

This will save you money on postage, as all you need to do is email your customers that their invoices are ready to be viewed.

Create Your Own Online Customer Center

This is the screen your customers see first when they log on. It displays the customer’s next scheduled job as well as their current balance.

You can customize it if you wish to display daily trivia questions, or notices of discounts, or an online newsletter, or whatever you wish!


Employees View Schedules Online

You can assign usernames and passwords to employees to allow them to log in through your own web site to print their own job tickets/work orders.

This feature is perfect for businesses where employees do not come into the office every day. This way, employees can get their schedules anywhere in the world!


Supervisors Send in Job Completion Info Online

You can allow all your employees, or only supervisors, to complete jobs.

They can enter the hours worked by the members of their team, the total job length, etc.
