Using Work Codes in Service Business Software
Work Codes
Keep track of all your services with Work Codes.
Make detailed lists of all work involved, as well as assign hourly rates and mark as taxable.
These descriptions will print out on job tickets (service orders) for your employees for the corresponding jobs.
Price Matrix
The Price Matrix allows you to establish different prices for each Work Codes you perform for each customer! A powerful utility that gives you extra flexibility in pricing policy.
When creating job schedules you can specify whatever amount you wish for a customer for a job, but if you want Scheduling Manager to “remember” how much you charge a particular customer for a particular type of service, then the Price Matrix is for you.
Color by Work Code
In the Gemini version in addition to being able to color code by team, you are now also able to color code by Work Code. This means that when viewing the calendar is easy to identify your different jobs.